2nd Year Neuroscience Technology Physiology Syllabus (RGUHS)

Introduction to Neurophysiology

  • Neuron
  • Neuroglia
  • Classification of nerves
  • Nerve injury & Wallerian degeneration
  • Properties of nerves
  • Resting Membrane Potential

Nerve Muscle Physiology

  • Muscle – Skeletal, Smooth & Cardiac
  • Membrane Potential & Action Potential
  • Motor unit
  • Neuro-muscular Junction, transmission & Blockers


  • Synaptic transmission, excitation, inhibition

Sensory System

  • Dermatomes, Innervation, Types of somatic sensations, Sensory pathways, Receptors, Pain

Motor System

  • Pyramidal system, Extrapyramidal system

Autonomic Nervous System

  • Divisions, Chemical Transmission, Functions, Higher centers for regulation, Sympathetic nervous system & Parasympathetic nervous system formation


  • Physiology of vision – Optic pathway


  • Physiology of hearing – Auditory pathway



List of Theory Classe Topics

  1. Introduction to Neuroscience
  2. Neuron, Neuroglia
  3. Classification of nerve fibre
  4. Nerve injury & Wallerian degeneration
  5. Resting Membrane Potential
  6. Electrical properties of nerve
  7. Muscle
  8. Neuromuscular junction
  9. Neuromuscular junction Blockers & Applied aspects
  10. Excitation Contraction - Coupling I
  11. Excitation Contraction - Coupling II
  12. Receptor-1
  13. Receptor-2
  14. Synapse-1
  15. Synapse-2
  16. Muscle spindle
  17. Reflexes-1
  18. Reflexes-2
  19. Ascending pathways
  20. Pain
  21. Descending Tracts
  22. CSF, LP
  23. Hypothalamus
  24. Basal ganglia-1
  25. Basal ganglia-2
  26. Cerebellum-1
  27. Cerebellum-2
  28. Thalamus
  29. Reticular Activating System
  30. Visual Pathway
  31. Hearing 1
  32. Hearing 2
  33. Smell and Taste
  34. Sleep
  35. Speech and language
  36. ANS
  37. Cerebral cortex
  38. ANS- Tests to assess function
  39. Spinal cord injury

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