Motor System - Pyramidal & Extrapyramidal tracts

Descending pathways from the motor tracts

It is divided as 

  1. Pyramidal tracts
  2. Extrapyramidal tracts

Pyramidal tracts or Corticospinal tracts


  • Arise from the pyramidal cells in the motor area (4), premotor area (6) and frontal eye field (8).
  • It also gets fibers from the sensory area (3,1,2)



  • End on the anterior horn cell of the spinal cord.
  • Some fibers give collateral to cranial nerve nucleus which are called corticonuclear fibers

Upper Motor Neuron

  • From cerebral cortex to anterior horn cells of spinal cord.

Lower Motor Neuron

  • From anterior horn cell to the effector organ.

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