Dorsal or Posterior column medial lemniscus pathway (Tract of Goll and Burdach)

It is consists of two tracts

  1. Tract of Goll (Fasciculus gracilis)
  2. Tract of Burdach (Fasciculus cuneatus)

Hence it is also called Tract of Goll and Burdach

They carry sensations of

  • Fine touch
  • Proprioception (Joint and position sense)
  • Vibration
  • Pressure

Pathway of Tract of Goll and Burdach

Three orders of neurons are present in this pathway - First, Second and Third order.

First order neuron

  • It arises from the respective sensory receptors and enters the spinal cord through the dorsal or posterior root.
  • They ascend on the same side of spinal cord in Fasciculus grasalis and Fasciculus cuneatus and relay in the Nucleus gracilis and Nucleus cuneatus present in the medulla.
  • Fasciculus gracilis which lies medially in the spinal cord, contains fibers from the lower parts of the body.
  • Fasciculus cuneatus which lies laterally in the spinal cord, contains fibers from the upper part of the body.

Second order neurons 

  • They cross to the opposite side and relay in the Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus (VPN) of Thalamus.
  • The crossing fibers are called Internal Arcuate Fibers.
  • The crossings of fibers occur at the level of medulla and not at the level of spinal cord.

Third order neurons 

  • They arise from the Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus of Thalamus and project on to the Sensory cortex, area number 3, 2, 1. 

Dorsal column medial lemniscus pathway

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