Dec 2022, RGUHS 2nd Year BSc. Neuro Science Technology Question Paper, QP 2843


II Year B.Sc. Neuro Science Technology Degree Examination

Dec-2022, Time: 3 Hours, Max. Marks: 80

Applied Anatomy and Physiology Related to Neuroscience Technology

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Essay on cerebrum. Mention a note on Brocha and Wernicke’s areas and its clinical


2. Blood supply of the brain. Add a note on circle of wills.

3. Describe corticospinal tract in detail. Add a note on hemiplegia.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Six) 6 x 5 = 30 Marks

4. Parasymphatic division of ANS.

5. Arterial supply of spinal cord.

6. Subarachnoid haemorrhage.

7. Brief note on frontal lobe with diagram.

8. Function of cerebellum.

9. Thyroid gland.

10. NMJ and its disorders.

11. Horizontal section of spinal cord.

SHORT ANSWERS (Answer any Ten) 10 x 3 = 30 Marks

12. Parkinsons features.

13. Disorders of adrenal cortex.

14. Khyphosis.

15 Multiple sclerosis.

16. Mid brain.

17. Action potential.

18. Diabetes mellitus.

19. DMD.

20. Functions of hypothalamus.

21. Red nucleus.

22. Blood brain barrier.

23. Pineal gland.

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