Jul 2021, RGUHS 2nd Year BSc. Neuro Science Technology Question Paper, QP 2843


II Year B.Sc. Neuro Science Technology Degree Examination

Jul-2021, Time: 3 Hours, Max. Marks: 80

Applied Anatomy and Physiology Related to Neuroscience Technology

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Draw a neat labeled diagram of cross section of Spinal cord. Add a note on its applied


2. Describe the parts, Arterial supply, fibre components and applied aspects of Internal


3. Describe cavernous sinus. Add a note on its applied aspect.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Six) 6 x 5 = 30 Marks

4. Corpus collasum.

5. Subarachnoid cisterns.

6. Arterial supply of spinal cord.

7. Cerebrospinal fluid and its function.

8. Lumbar puncture.

9. Visual pathway.

10. Functions of thalamus.

11. Nam the structure forming Basal ganglion with its function.

SHORT ANSWERS (Answer any Ten) 10 x 3 = 30 Marks

12. List four functions of Hypothalamus.

13. Neuro transmitters

14. Kyphosis.

15 Diagram of multipolar neuron.

16. Cauda Equina.

17. Meninges.

18. Lateral sulcus.

19. Broca’s area.

20. Name the folds of Dura matter.

21. Neural crest derivatives.

22. Basilar artery.

23. Trigeminal cave.

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