II Year B.Sc. Neuro Science Technology
Degree Examination
May-2023, Time: 3 Hours, Max. Marks: 80
Applied Anatomy and Physiology Related to
Neuroscience Technology (RS-3)
LONG ESSAYS (Second Question
Choice) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks
1. Essay on ANS and its applied physiology.
2. Describe the sulci, gyri, main functional areas and blood supply of
Write an essay on corpus callosum with its applied anatomy and
SHORT ESSAYS (Question No 5
& 10 choice) 10 x 5 = 50 Marks
3. CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid).
4. Classification of receptors.
5. Circle of Willis
Basal ganglia.
6. Blood supply of the spinal cord.
7. Facial nerve.
8. Brief note on Occipital lobe with diagram.
9. Visual pathway.
10. Fourth ventricle.
Lumbar puncture.
11. Action potential.
12. Functions of thalamus.
SHORT ANSWER 10 x 3 = 30
13. Meninges.
14. Broca’s area.
15. Glaucoma.
16. Thalamic syndrome.
17. Hemiplegia.
18. Functions of limbic system.
19. BBB.
20. Name any four neurotransmitters.
21. Internal capsule.
22. Kyphosis.
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