Oct 2019, RGUHS 2nd Year BSc. Neuro Science Technology Question Paper, QP 2843


II Year B.Sc. Neuro Science Technology Degree Examination

Oct-2019, Time: 3 Hours, Max. Marks: 80

Applied Anatomy and Physiology Related to Neuroscience Technology

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Blood supply of the brain. Add a note on circle of Willis.

2. Essay on function, divisions, complications and applied anatomy of cerebellum

3. Essay on ANS and its applied anatomy

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Six) 6 x 5 = 30 Marks

4. Cranial nerves and its functions

5. Pyramidal tract

6. Circulation of CSF

7. Subarachnoid cisterns

8. Subarchanoid haemorrhage

9. Basal ganglia

10. Occipital lobe

11. Arterial supply of spinal cord

SHORT ANSWERS (Answer any Ten) 10 x 3 = 30 Marks

12. Lumbar puncture

13. Mid brain

14. Applied anatomy of pons

15 Disorders of Adrenal cortex

16. Spina bifida

17. Rhomboid fossa – boundries

18. Lateral geniculate body

19. TIA

20. Schematic diagram of neuron

21. Hypoxia

22. Red nucleus

23. Name the receptors for hearing and olfaction


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