Sep 2017, RGUHS 2nd Year BSc. Neuro Science Technology Question Paper, QP 2843


II Year B.Sc. Neuro Science Technology Degree Examination

Sep-2017, Time: 3 Hours, Max. Marks: 80

Applied Anatomy and Physiology Related to Neuroscience Technology

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Classify nerve system

2. Detail on spinal cord

3. Essay on cerebrum. Mention a note on brocha and wernicke’s areas and its clinical


SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Six) 6 x 5 = 30 Marks

4. Short note on sympathetic division of ANS

5. Brief note on Frontal lobe with diagram

6. Cerebellum

7. Classify nervous system

8. Sense of hearing

9. Parasympathetic division of ANS

10. Functions of cerebellum

11. Signs of cerebellar dysfunction

SHORT ANSWERS (Answer any Ten) 10 x 3 = 30 Marks

12. Khyphosis

13. Diabetes mellitus

14. Schematic diagram of neuron

15 Multiple Scelorosis

16. GBS

17. DMD

18. Upper trunk lesion

19. Auditory pathway

20. Spina bifida

21. Segments of spinal cord

22. Short note on synapsis

23. Common diseases and problems of spinal cord

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